About Us
Naghsh Sharestan Engineering Company was registered in 2000 under number 162624.
Achieving the necessary conditions and approval of qualification in the comprehensive system for determining the qualification of the factors of the technical and executive system by the Management and Planning Organization of the country as follows:
Level 1 Specialization in residential, commercial, office, industrial and military buildings
Level 1 Specialty of educational, cultural, religious, sports, health and medical buildings
And also certification of contracting qualifications
Grade 5 building specialization
Sign in :
Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers
Iranian Concrete Association
Iranian Steel Structural Association
Welding Association and Non-Destructive Tests
Tehran Municipality Partners Association
Has ISO 9001: 2015 certification
This company, under the management of Engineer Ramin Raegan, during its services, has undertaken numerous projects in the field of design, supervision and execution of buildings and grounds (architecture, structures, mechanical and electrical installations), interior design, facades and architectural volumes, etc. It has been agreed that we have dealt with some of the company's activities in the projects section.

Contact Us
- تلفن : 88503803-88754034-88734913-88753920-88761674-21-98+ فکس : 88515998
- info@NaghsheSharestan.com
- Address: No....